I Love This View

I never get tired of it. The sun rises every morning, it sets every night, 365 days a year, year after year, and somehow it is a little bit different every time. This morning we had a hard frost and the deck was sparkling like the planks were laced with diamonds. The clear sky overnight brought the brisk cold but along with it a glorious bright sunrise; it seems like any day starts better with the sun shining.
I hiked another of Camas' trails today; not a long one, but it was interesting. I hiked the Mill Ditch Trail from Division Street, over behind Liberty Middle School, and back to my car by city streets. I'd never hiked this trail before, not even part of it. It runs right through town now, past three churches and a couple of schools and between houses, but when it was built it was a big undertaking. The Mill Ditch was hand dug by 125 Chinese laborers in about five months time in 1884, to supply water for the new paper mill. Washington didn't become a state until 1889. Imagine. It was built on steeply sloping hillside, so the lower side of the ditch is deeply bermed. I got a different vantage point of buildings that I see every day from the street. And of course I took my camera!
