Just Me and My Camera

I am done. D.O.N.E. I have finished my final assignment for my photography class, and I can finally get back to taking the pictures *I* want to take. And for starters, I want to take a picture of the amazing sunset tonight! Sunsets are too cliche, too trite, for a serious photographer, but I, on the other hand, do not have to be a serious photographer. In fact, I declare myself most definitely not a serious photographer, and so I am free to photograph pretty things to my heart's content!
So, first of all, after I finished dry mounting my final 11 prints for my class, I found myself in downtown Vancouver as sunset neared, and of course I had my camera with me, so I went looking for someplace different to shoot. I found an odd unmarked road that wound around through the railroad tracks over to the west side where all the industrial stuff is, and I took a few pictures there. I would have liked to get out and walk around, but I didn't see another soul there, so I wasn't sure how safe it was. I'd like to go back with my dog along; hopefully she'd come through if there was an actual bad guy approaching and not some harmless UPS man.

This is one for sign spotters! Makes you go "huh"?

Since I thought the railroad area was creepy by myself, I headed over to a swankier neighborhood on Columbia River Drive, where you can walk on an immaculate paved path along the river. There were a lot of people out enjoying the beautiful evening; it was like a walking freeway. I cut across to the sandy beach along the river, and spotted these tiny shells glowing in the setting sun. I thought they looked like jewels in the sand.
