
After much gnashing of teeth and tearing out of hair, I have honed in on an idea I really like for my final photography project. As I took more and more pictures, and spent time perusing them, I started seeing images that relate to each other in some way, so that the combination of images is more than either one by itself. I find this fascinating, looking for subtle relationships that speak to me. We are to submit ten final images for our project, and since each of my pairs is actually two images, I've doubled my work, so I am scrambling to shoot more pictures every chance I get. It seems like I always make a job harder than it has to be, because I think of an even *better* way it could be done; why should this be an exception?
I really like this pairing because of the way the colors bounce off each other, even though the subject matter is completely different. Some of the objects that repeat themselves in my series are chain link fences, cemetaries, animals, buildings. Color is a very big part of it; in fact, it's almost all about color carrying the story with the subjects just filling in the details.