Hike Six Miles

The sun is shining today and it's warm warm warm; it feels like spring is finally coming. This one was a New Year's Resolution for me; hike six miles. I've done that in the past - the very long ago past - but I don't think I'm in shape for it now and I think I should be. Time to get there. Euphoric dog in hand, I ventured to the north end of the trail along Lacamas Lake.
I'd never been there before, and it's a really interesting trail with changing terrain. The trail head is north of town in a mostly rural area, interspersed with pockets of huge luxury homes on "gentleman farmer lots." I don't know what happened to our urban growth boundary when those were allowed. The parking lot is next to Camas Meadows Golf Course, and it was overfilled with cars and posted every twenty feet or so with signs stating "High Crime Area." I guess the wealthy park there to walk/jog while thieves car prowl? With some trepidation, I secreted my large purse away and hoped for the best.
The first part of the trail abuts an abandoned, bankrupt condominium community with a few lonely model condos sitting vacant and piles of plywood stacked and tarped on empty lots. I heard that two of these sold, for prices nearing 7 figures, and now they can't give them away. I have plenty to moan about in this economy but at least I don't have that problem! Next up on my right, a narrow strip of golf course separating the trail from McMansionville. Huge prestige homes shoulder to shoulder along the greenway. None for me, thank you. Along the trail to the left is country, and simple ramshackle homes on small unimproved acreages. Not so bad, I'd sooner live there actually. Then the trail reached the serene north end of the lake, alive with waterfowl. This is the area under consideration for development, and I think it would be a shame. These blue barrels were floats for a small dock, and I liked their round shape sandwiched between the boards and the water. The those ducks, all sitting on a floating dock out in the middle of the lake. They reminded me of teenagers, always flocking together and wanting to hang out in the middle of the action!

I hiked in one and a half miles and back again, so three miles today. It felt great.
