A Very Small Photographer

Toward the end of a day of wedding, we were finally taking the casual group pictures outside, and trying to get a few with the flower girls. These littles had just Had It! They were D.O.N.E. with everything wedding and just wanted to be out of their frilly white dresses and on their way. We managed to get three into position, but the fourth one, an enthusiastic participant all day long, was saying No. So I offered her a deal. If I could take a picture of her, she could take the next picture. Her eyes lit up! We had a deal! She stepped right up, smiled for the camera, then marched right over to me, ready to take her picture. She wanted to take a picture of the bride and groom, so I squatted down beside her and told her to look through the little hole and tell me when she found the picture she wanted to take. I put the autofocus on the middle of the frame and just pushed the button. And this is her picture! I think it's fantastic; how often does the photographer take a picture of the bride and groom from the height of a five year old? It reminds me to keep thinking outside of my point of view when I am looking for a picture to take.