Hiking Fallen Leaf Lake?

There is a trail that I've had my eye on for a couple of years. It is marked on the Camas trails map as a possible future trail, but I stumbled upon the beginning of it, and I assumed that if the first part was actually there, the whole thing would be. It looked like I could hike a loop around Fallen Leaf Lake. It's not a *real* trail so there is never anybody back there, and the path itself is rugged and only marginally maintained, probably by deer. But you know how it is, where there's a trailhead, there's somebody (usually me) who wants to know where it goes! I decided to check it out this morning, and I am quite confident that it does Not, in fact, circumnavigate Fallen Leaf Lake. I followed the trail along most of one side of the lake for maybe a 1/2 mile, but then it veered away and up a steep hill, and eventually met a Wide Paved Trail! Only moments before I had been wallowing in my wilderness experience, and now this?! I followed the Wide Paved Trail (because I wanted to know where it goes), and eventually met up with a newish access road to a newish McMansionville on the hill. There was a sign at the head of the trail - this is a mitigation area. The developers cut down trees outside of the area where they were allowed to (hmmmmm, wish I could insert a sour-faced emoticon here) and had to plant "replacement trees" in this mitigation area. What do you want to bet those accidentally removed trees blocked the views in McMansionville?
The wildflowers are blooming like crazy now, and I am itching to get out with my camera! I love wild daisies (is that what they are called? or some other variety?) so that is today's picture.