Live Each Day

We recently had a houseful of family and friends from out of town. They were excited to be someplace new, and eager to explore and see the sights. They would head out in the morning full of enthusiasm, and return late in the day, tired but satisfied, their minds filled with a fresh new view of the world, feeling like they had had an adventure. We live here. These wonders are at our doorstep. The forests and the waterfalls and the hikes. The city with it's parks and museums, it's shops and restaurants. We have oceans and mountains and gorges, lakes and rivers, scenic vistas and peaceful glens, agricultural valleys and quaint small towns. Yet, we settle into the same chair around the dining table, the same depression in the living room sofa, and another day is past.
When you are on vacation, time takes on a different quality, at once stretched and condensed. Memories are richer, life seems fuller. You awake each morning with a sense of adventure, and end the day satisfied that just for today, the world was new.
Live Each Day. Embrace all that there is to discover in this life. Make each day new. End each day satisfied. Head down the road, or across an ocean. Eat french bread and brie and drink wine in the middle of a forest. Talk to someone new. Pack dinner in a bag and eat it in the park. Sit by the river and watch the sun set. If you always eat your sandwich with mayo, try it with mustard. Make a new depression in the sofa. At the other end. Maybe right in the middle. In large ways and small, make each day new. This is what makes memories rich and vivid, and makes a life feel full and well-lived.