Your next nurse

Come springtime, I find myself photographing a lot of graduations. And a lot of graduates. For a hectic six weeks, I work with a national company that holds the contracts for big events, like the state universities. The graduates move through the line at a rate of one every 8 seconds. Sometimes less. At the end of the day, they are a blur of robes and tassles, and my arm cries to be lowered from the "camera ready" position.
The Clark College Nursing School is different. I once again have the privilege of being the photographer for their Pinning Ceremony. It is in intimate event -- there are 40 new graduates this quarter - and you can't miss their giddy glee to see the end of this long road. Friends and families share their moment on stage, the joy and pride as well as gratitude that it's done. I love photographing this event, and seeing the unique stamp that each class puts on this rite of passage. The first step is a group photo taken on campus. Next up, finals. And finally, graduation, and a whole new career ahead.