Remember your dreams?
Miss {T} is the lovely daughter of my very dear friend, and she's at that wonderful age between childhood and the teen years.
Someone told me once that if you remember back to what you wanted to be when you were 11 years old, it would tell you what your heart's desire is. I know that is true for me; the passions I had then still guide my life today, and the closer my path is to those early dreams the happier I am. Do you remember when the whole world was ahead of you, and every dream seemed possible? What did you dream for your life?

Someone told me once that if you remember back to what you wanted to be when you were 11 years old, it would tell you what your heart's desire is. I know that is true for me; the passions I had then still guide my life today, and the closer my path is to those early dreams the happier I am. Do you remember when the whole world was ahead of you, and every dream seemed possible? What did you dream for your life?
